ICSI Treatment – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Indore

ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a fertilization technique used in IVF. It involves injecting a single healthy sperm into to each egg to maximize the chance of fertilization.

Reasons to choose ICSI Treatment in Indore

This procedure has been considered a breakthrough in the management of patients with below mentioned conditions.

ICSI Procedure Step By Step

Super Ovulation

In assisted reproduction, chances of conception can be increased by stimulating the ovaries to produce required number of eggs. This is termed as super ovulation and can be brought about by using drugs (Gonadotrophins) which mimic the action of the body’s natural hormones. Drug doses and combinations are calculated for each individual depending on a number of factors Including age, medical history, body mass index, antral follicle count (number of follicles on Day 2) and hormone values AMH, Estradiol, FSH.

All monitoring and treatment are administered on a daily outpatient basis. Please note that you are not required to sleep overnight in the hospital. The progress of your ICSI treatment cycle is monitored by:

a. Blood hormones

i) On the day of down regulation

ii) In Between the stimulation.

iii) On night injection day

b. Ultrasound scan – This involves the use of a vaginal ultrasound probe which enables us to measure the size of the developing follicles which contains the eggs. It also enables assessment of the endometrial lining of the womb.

c. Dopplers scans are done to assess the blood flow to the endometrium (Lining of the uterus) This procedure is easier with an empty bladder, painless and for only a few minutes.

A scan can be performed safely even if you have a period. Scan is done on day 3 of periods and daily or alternate days from day 8 till egg collection.

During an ICSI treatment cycle each patient’s scan and blood tests are assessed.

Dosage of drugs are calculated based on scans and hormone levels.

HCG – When follicles size has reached a satisfactory level arrangement are made for an HCG injection to be given. This injection is usually administered late in the evening 36 hours prior to egg recovery.

Thirty-six hours after the HCG injection, the eggs are ready to be removed from the woman’s ovaries. To collect mature eggs from the woman’s body, doctors perform a minor outpatient procedure called a vaginal ultrasound egg retrieval. The procedure is a short five to ten minutes procedure performed in-clinic. Light conscious sedation with short anesthesia is administered to ensure comfort. Most women are able to return home 2-3 hours after the procedure.

On the same day, your partner will provide a fresh semen sample to our lab. If you have obtained frozen donor sperm, we will ensure this sample has been tested prior to your retrieval. Following egg retrieval, you will begin progesterone to prepare the uterus for implantation of the embryo. Implantation will occur five to six days later.

The sperm sample is washed and prepared. Then a single healthy and normal looking sperm is injected into a mature egg obtained from the women. This process is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI Treatment).

Our team of embryologists will regularly monitor your embryos to make sure they’re growing properly. Within about 3 to 5 days, a normal embryo develops into many cells that are actively dividing. To ensure your best chance at a successful, healthy pregnancy, the highest quality embryo is selected and transferred in the womb.

Two to five days after egg retrieval and fertilization, embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus. This procedure occurs in-clinic using a catheter inserted through the cervix. Most women are able to resume regular activities the next day. If an embryo sticks to the uterine lining and grows, pregnancy results. The extra embryos may be frozen to allow the option of future implantation.

To help thicken the uterine lining in order to make it easier for the embryo to implant, you will continue progesterone therapy for two weeks after embryo transfer. A pregnancy test is done approximately 14 days after embryo transfer by a blood sample drawn. If pregnancy is confirmed, you will continue progesterone for another three to four weeks, until your placenta begins to produce enough progesterone to support the pregnancy on its own.

Remaining good quality embryos that are not transferred are frozen and stored. These embryos can be used in subsequent cycles if this cycle is not successful or for planning next pregnancy.

Why choose AIIM for ICSI Treatment in Indore?

Being Central India’s most advanced centre, AIIM is proud to give out the coveted results with a team of expert doctors. We have the most experience in treating all kinds of infertility cases especially complicated cases with previous failures from other centers that are referred or sent by our own patients who have conceived by our treatment. We believe in:-

  • Ethical, transparent practice
  • Personalized Treatment
  • Providing world-class services under one roof to get the best results