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Do you have PCOS? Are you struggling to know how to get pregnant with PCOS? Dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) while trying to conceive can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Yes, we repeat, it is not impossible! You can get pregnant naturally with PCOS too.

So let’s first understand WHAT IS PCOS?

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects a woman’s reproductive system, leading to hormonal imbalances making it harder to get pregnant.


Well, often you will know this via a combination of symptoms. Common signs include irregular menstrual cycles, which can range from infrequent to heavy periods. Many individuals with PCOS experience unwanted hair growth (hirsutism) and acne due to elevated androgen levels. Weight gain and difficulty losing weight are also prevalent. PCOS can affect fertility, causing challenges in conceiving. Some may encounter scalp hair thinning or hair loss. Insulin resistance leads to pigmentation of skin especially on the back of the neck and associated issues like high blood sugar levels, blood pressure levels are additional concerns. But the most important symptom of all women during reproductive age group that bothers them would be your DIFFICULTY TO CONCEIVE A BABY. 

There is a specific criteria for the diagnosis of PCOS- the Rotterdam criteria. In this criteria the women should have two of the three symptoms to diagnose her with PCOS-

  1. Irregular periods – periods with a duration of more than 35 days or less than 21 days
  2. Signs of excess male hormones- androgens. Physical features like hirsutism or biochemical evidence of raised blood androgen levels
  3. Ultrasonography suggesting polycystic morphology – volume of ovary more than 10 cc or more than 20 follicles in the ovaries

So, as your medical experts, we are here today to provide you with key strategies to increase your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS by exploring various avenues that will help you embark on your journey to parenthood.

tracking menstrual cycle

10 key strategies to increase your chances of getting pregnant with PCOS

1. Weight Loss to Restart Ovulation

Let’s start by addressing a critical aspect: managing your weight. Excess weight can lead to hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance, disrupting ovulation. Shedding even a modest 5-10% of your body weight can rejuvenate your menstrual cycle restoring ovulation, making conception more achievable. It’s about embracing a wholesome lifestyle, which includes exercise for PCOS to get pregnant and nurturing your body with an anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS.

2. Manage Stress

Stress can be a formidable adversary, wreaking havoc on your PCOS and fertility. Take a deep breath and consider stress reduction techniques. Meditation, mindfulness, and gentle Yoga for PCOS to get pregnant can calm your mind and harmonize your hormones. Stress releases stress hormones which lead to cell damage.

Remember, learning how to get pregnant with PCOS isn’t just about physical aspects – it’s a holistic journey.

3. Follow a Diet for PCOS

Nourish your body with a specific diet for PCOS. Whole, unprocessed foods like vibrant fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and nourishing fats can quell inflammation and insulin resistance. On this path, you’re not just eating; you’re embracing your fertility potential.

Insulin resistance leads to raised glucose levels in the blood (hyperglycemia) which leads to more insulin production hence needs to be countered by a negative energy deficit in the diet of about 30%.

pregnant smiling woman eating salad

4. Best Foods to Overcome PCOS and Get Pregnant

Some foods deserve a special place in your diet when you’re aiming for pregnancy with PCOS. Think colorful berries, leafy greens, fatty fish, and the heartiness of nuts. These treasures house fertility-boosting nutrients and are also an anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS. And don’t forget the power duo of cinnamon and turmeric to keep insulin levels in check – your allies in the quest to conceive.

5. Reverse Any Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance can be a roadblock, but you’re not alone. Talk to a healthcare pro. They may suggest medications for PCOS, like Metformin, to make your body more receptive to insulin. Combining this with exercise for PCOS to get pregnant and an anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS can help unlock your fertility.

6. Exercise to Help Ovulation with PCOS to Get Pregnant

Exercise isn’t about grueling workouts; it’s about feeling alive. Engage in activities you love, whether it’s dancing, cycling, or a leisurely stroll. Exercise for PCOS to get pregnant is more than burning calories; it’s about regulating hormones and nurturing your well-being. You don’t need to strain by excessive work outs daily, a moderate 30-minute work out 5 days a week is good enough.

pregnant woman doing yoga

7. Yoga to Overcome PCOS and get pregnant

Along With your anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS, Yoga is a beautiful ally on your journey. It’s a gentle companion that eases stress and enhances flexibility. Specific poses like the butterfly and reclining bound angle pose improve pelvic circulation and hormonal balance. With Yoga for PCOS to get pregnant, you’re nurturing both your body and spirit.

8. Track Your Menstrual Cycle

Your menstrual cycle is a window into your fertility. Chart it meticulously, noting irregularities and fertile days. Smartphone apps and ovulation kits are your modern-day helpers. Timing intimacy for optimal chances of conception is a key piece of the puzzle when learning how to get pregnant with PCOS.

9. Medications for PCOS

There is no cure for PCOS but the symptoms of PCOS can be controlled and treated by medications. Ovulation can be induced by medicines like clomiphene citrate and letrozol. Irregular cycles and excessive male hormones can be controlled by oral contraceptive pills- birth control pills. Consult a healthcare provider who can tailor a plan that complements exercise for PCOS to get pregnant, an anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS, and Yoga for PCOS as well. A combination of all is highly suitable. But should be done under qualified fertility experts only. 

10. Consult with a Fertility Specialist

If the road to pregnancy remains elusive, don’t hesitate to consult a fertility specialist. They bring expertise, tailored treatments, and the possibility of assisted reproductive technologies from simple treatments like ovulations induction by medicines to advanced treatments like IVF. Their guidance can be a beacon of hope on your path to parenthood.

doctor visit young adult woman

The Final Tip

PCOS might test your patience, but remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Embrace a balanced lifestyle, manage stress, and nourish your body with an anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS. Alongside exercise for PCOS to get pregnant, Yoga for PCOS to get pregnant, and medications for PCOS, track your menstrual cycle diligently. If needed, reach out to a fertility Clinic. The path to parenthood might have twists and turns, but with determination and these strategies, you can light your way.


Absolutely, age doesn’t diminish the possibility of pregnancy with PCOS. Many women with PCOS successfully conceive in their 30s and beyond. By following the strategies mentioned in this article, you can enhance your chances of achieving your dream of parenthood.

To manage PCOS effectively, avoid processed sugars, trans fats, and highly processed foods. These can exacerbate insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, as outlined in an anti-inflammatory diet for PCOS.

While PCOS may not always be permanently cured, it can be effectively managed. All the symptoms of this syndrome can be treated. Many women with PCOS achieve regular menstrual cycles and successful pregnancies with lifestyle changes, medications, and medical treatments, as discussed in the above article.

Dr Shefali Jain

Dr. Shefali Jain is Gynecologist, Obstetrician & Infertility Specialist in Indore with more than 27 years of experience in the field of ART with highest success rate. She has received many awards for her exceptional work in the field of infertility. She has been an invited speaker to many national and international conferences.

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